April Prayer Ventures
In 1 Peter 5:6-7 we read: “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” The Apostle Peter assures us that God will hear our humble, honest, and trusting prayer, made in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God!
These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world. Thank you for your continued prayers for the life and mission of this church.
1 “We need to hear the gospel every day, because we forget it every day” (attributed to Martin Luther, 1483-1546). Pray that we might never grow weary of hearing the story of Easter or experiencing God’s love and mercy for the world in the gift of Jesus Christ.
2 Arab American Heritage Month Remember in prayer the diverse gifts, cultures, heritages, ethnic values and stories of our Arab and Middle Eastern neighbors and siblings in Christ. Ask God to bless and further the work, witness and advocacy of Arab and Middle Eastern congregations and ministries, of ELCA Arab and Middle Eastern Ministries, and of the Association of Lutherans of Arab and Middle Eastern Heritage.
3 Ask God to help us see the presence and influence of Jesus in our daily lives, our relationships and our conversations with neighbors, co-workers and siblings in Christ.
4 Pray for the people of Haiti, who have suffered multiple natural disasters in recent years and are now experiencing civil and political unrest and violence.
5 Lift up praise and thanksgiving to God, celebrating God’s promise of love, forgiveness and eternal life. “This is the Lord for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation” (Isaiah 25:9).
6 Pray for the ministry of Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) and give thanks for its 80 years of work supporting and empowering immigrants, asylum-seekers and refugees as they rebuild their lives in the United States.
7 Thomas wasn’t sure what to believe when the risen Jesus mysteriously appeared to him and the other disciples, but Jesus met his skepticism with love and understanding. Give thanks for God’s patience with us when we grapple with the mysteries of our faith, and for the Spirit having revealed truth to us through Scripture, prayer, reflection and our siblings in Christ.
8 Pray that the leaders of Russia and Ukraine and of Israel and Palestine will commit to their respective cease-fires and meet face-to-face to resolve their conflicts and create peaceful ways forward, ending the widespread human suffering and destruction that have impacted generations of their people.
9 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian (1906-1945) Remember and give thanks to God for people throughout history, such as Bonhoeffer, who are driven by their faith and convictions to stand against injustice, evil and violence toward others, even in the face of personal threats and death. Ask God for the courage and boldness to act when our neighbors are threatened or treated unjustly.
10 “Everything they owned was held in common … and it was distributed to each as any had need” (Acts 4:32-35). Ask the Spirit to stir our generosity and nurture our unwavering concern for the well-being of our neighbor so that we might share our assets with those in need and foster concerned communities.
11 Ask the Spirit to guide and inspire the leaders of our church gathered for the ELCA Church Council in Chicago, that they will work together to guide, strengthen and grow the church; respond to new challenges; affirm God’s call for us to serve our neighbors; and encourage people of all ages to bear the gospel into the world.
12 Pray for ELCA Global Mission personnel, including volunteers, longtime staff, Young Adults in Global Mission, and seminary students serving as Horizon International interns. Give thanks for their faithful service and the gifts and talents they bring to their work alongside our global companions.
13 We live in a world that pits different groups of people against each other, causing inequity and anguish. Ask the Spirit to transform our fear and prejudice into compassion, kindness, empathy and respect — qualities that strengthen our relationships with each other and affirm the goodness of God’s creation. “How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1).
14 Thank God for the Scripture, sacraments, hymns and liturgical art that reveal our redemption and freedom through Jesus Christ.
15 “Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth” (1 John 3:18). Praise God for ELCA World Hunger’s 50 years of action to end hunger, bring relief to those who suffer, develop sustainable solutions to hunger and raise awareness of the needs of our neighbors — here and around the world. Pray that we might exercise generosity, wisdom and perseverance to meet the challenges of ending hunger.
16 Ask God for the openness to reflect on our nation’s history of injustice and inequality and for the courage and humility to overcome racial, religious and gender bias.
17 Give thanks that we can live in the joy of being God’s children and that, though we may not understand completely what that means, it will be fully revealed to us someday.
18 Praise God for the lengthening daylight of spring, which stirs new life and reminds us of the light God brings into the world through the gift of Jesus Christ.
19 Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathering for the assemblies of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana and Western Iowa synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and inspire them as they reflect on the mission of the church, choose leaders and encourage one another to proclaim the gospel and serve our neighbors in need.
20 Remember in prayer our ministry in Africa through ELCA Global Mission, which works alongside Lutheran churches and agencies in 24 African countries and supports the work of the Lutheran World Federation’s Department for World Service.
21 Jesus, our good and loving shepherd, laid down his life for us, his sheep. Give thanks and praise to God!
22 Remember in prayer our neighbors and siblings in Christ whose vocations pull them away from their family, friends, congregation and community. Pray that the Holy Spirit will sustain their faith and spirit and that we will express our connection with them as they come and go.
23 To whom do we turn when we are tired or unsure of our path in life? Praise God, who stays by our side through every twist and turn.
24 Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathering for the assembly of the Rocky Mountain Synod, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and inspire them as they reflect on the mission of the church, choose leaders and encourage one another to proclaim the gospel and serve our neighbors in need.
25 Give thanks for the numerous volunteers from across the country who are training to help youth and their adult leaders at the ELCA Youth Gathering this summer in New Orleans.
26 Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathering for the assembly of the Alaska Synod, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and inspire them as they reflect on the mission of the church, choose leaders and encourage one another to proclaim the gospel and serve our neighbors in need.
27 Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathering for the assemblies of the Northeastern Minnesota and Virginia synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and inspire them as they reflect on the mission of the church, choose leaders and encourage one another to proclaim the gospel and serve our neighbors in need.
28 “Those who say, ‘I love God,’ and hate a brother or sister are liars, for those who do not love a brother or sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen” (1 John 4:20). Give thanks that God loved us first, so that we might know unconditional love and mercy and pass them along to all our neighbors.
29 “To the servant of God … every place is the right place, and every time is the right time” (Catherine of Siena, theologian, 1347-1380). Pray for the wisdom to see every moment of every day as an opportunity to honor God through loving, serving and honoring our neighbors in need.
30 Thank God for the gift of baptism, which affirms our faith, washes us clean with God’s love and forgiveness, welcomes us to the vast community of siblings in Christ and grants us a new life of service and sharing the gospel wherever we go.
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Micah’s Backpack
Micah’s ended the year packing and delivering 15 bags to Bester and 34 bags to Eastern . We are so thankful for the volunteers who were able to pack and deliver the bags during the many challenges that Covid brought to the schools this year. When the schools began with zoom in the fall, we packed and delivered the bags to the WCPS Meal Machine sites and handed the bags out to the children. When the schools began “in session” learning, we delivered the bags to both Eastern and Bester thus using the original model of taking the bags to the schools for the weekend meals.
We want to thank the following for their help this past year:
Zach Repp and the Boy Scouts of Troop 10, Sue Fiedler, Chuck and Sharon Poland, Krista Repp, Rhonda Munson, Mike and Anne Mowen, Sharon Hoppes, Scarlett Michael, Abby Angles, Pastor David, Carol Schofield, Kevin and Nanette Dagliano, Arleen Shuster, Betsy Norgard, Tina Stowell, Jane Drawbaugh and her confirmation students, Rodney Nearchos, Kay Melby, Jeff Reed and Carol Brashears. The program would not have been able to function without their dedication to feeding the children.
Look for announcements this August as we begin the program in September as schools will be fully functioning in Stage 5 (all students in schools 5 days a week). We anticipate we will be at full capacity with the numbers to pack and deliver. If you would like to help with this ministry, please contact Carol Brashears at 301-992-5016.
Please keep the Micah’s families in your prayers.
– Carol Brashear
A Trinity effort that has spread over decades,
involves dozens of people and faith communities,
and helped thousands of school kids!
Click here or Copy the URL below to your PC, and
watch this awesome video of service and JOY !!!!!
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Outreach; It May Become Your Best Day Ever!
Laura was brokenhearted. Lorenzo had left her and she was bereft of hope. Her mother advised her: “When things are going badly for you, get busy doing things for others.” On “Little House on the Prairie,” perhaps her mother meant for her to find a distraction, but the undertaking of that very action actually summons the power of love towards oneself.
Recovering from hip surgery, I have been absent from Trinity’s Food Pantry and Clothing Closet for several weeks, so I have no recent experiences to share. But there is something happening that we need to report to you.
When you put together quality food choices, abundant portions, treating people as deserving guests, and throw in sharing personal stories, humor, and understanding, it continually attracts many new and returning visitors to 15 Randolph Avenue. Meanwhile, our handful of faithful volunteers are spread thin, often absent (health issues, appointments, travel, life activities) and, due to the ongoing pandemic (see * below), new members are less likely to become involved.
As part of our parallel ministry momentum, we have begun to involve community members, neighbors, and the clients themselves as occasional and weekly workers, but the input that is needed still exceeds the output that is given. Even with three trained substitutes, as we grow each week, there are empty volunteer positions that need some- one new to step in.
What can we do? Each one of you reading this can consider reaching out in some way to support Trinity’s most viable mission to date. If we had 10 more volunteers and practiced some flexible scheduling, our handful of regulars could have at least one week off a month, substitutes would be available whenever needed, everyone’s load would be lightened, and more Trinity folk would experience the grace and good will of this worthwhile work with our neighborhood.
There are variety of tasks from which to pick:
- One-on-one interviewing seated at the intake desk with one guest gathering information on their first visit; currently it involves filling out forms; when installation of the new wifi system is completed, intake will in- volve typing the information onto a computer (which will be referenced each time a guest enters one of Trinity’s outreach programs) that will validate frequency of visits, number of members in each family, and individual needs. No Community Action Council (CAC) Food Bank cards are used.
- Interviewing a family in the waiting room to fill out a list of foods they need and determining their preferences. Taking that list to the Pantry’s food storage room.
- Gathering the requested food items from their list in- side the staff-only Pantry storage room, supplying quantity of items based on the number of members of the family.
- Summoning the next family from the waiting room and assisting them in the hallway to select gourmet and specialty food items to take home. Helping them bag up their food on rolling carts to the exit. Guests carry their own items out of the building.
Be prepared for unexpected delights, reunions, sharing, profoundly moving stories, and to feel very loved. But if it turns out this is not your experience, there will be other ways to serve as Trinity continues to develop new missions.
Those of us who toil in Trinity’s Outreach programs now know that when we reach out in love, love will re- turn to us sevenfold, from very unexpected places for both our guests and for us—abundant, unconditional, and life- saving.
* Our procedures have changed, so that all are masked, and volunteers can choose to work only with staff or to interact with one or two guests at a time.
June Habeck
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