About Us



Trinity Lutheran Church is an interdependent part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and of the Delaware-Maryland Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are a people called by the Holy Spirit and gathered together to be a community of faith centered in baptism, the proclamation and study of the Word, and participation in the Lord’s Supper. We believe in the Triune God, that God created and loves all of creation and that God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, transforms lives through his life, death on the cross and resurrection. We trust that God’s Spirit is active in the world.

Trinity Lutheran Church reflects God’s gracious love in Christ through our worship, fellowship, witness and service. We dedicate ourselves to continual prayer, reading of the word of God and dialogue about how he is calling us to live our faith in the ever-changing world around us. As a reconciled and forgiven people, we are empowered and sent to bear witness to the love of Christ to all people serving Christ by serving all in need. We strive to respond with love and charity to those in need – in our church, in our local neighborhood and in the global community.

We strive to nurture the members of this church in the faith, support the ministry of The Church, and being faithful to our call to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to invite all who would hear our proclamation to share in our life and ministry.