Council Updates
The Council met on April 20, 2021
An agenda was developed for the Congregational Meeting to be held May 23rd at 11:30 am during the worship service in the church sanctuary. Pastor David’s MWF writings online in the next few weeks will be explaining the ideas for mission and development at Trinity that will be presented at that time.
The budget will be drawn up the last week of April.
A survey will be given to the congregation to determine what times are preferred for worship and what types of worship services are preferred. A mission plan will be developed.
We continue to investigate how to use current technology in services so that there is audible clarity for both the online worshippers and those who attend in person.
We will be discussing 5 assumptions that no longer work in the church.
Parallel development ideas include those already underway: audio-visual upgrades, Train Enthusiast’s Club, Girl Scout Troop, Music Performance Development, and 501C 3 status for the Food and Clothing Banks. Potential ideas for mission development include: El Salvador service for lapsed & liturgical folks, gay & lesbian service, police and fire chaplaincy, internet Bible Study and gaming clubs. The concept for some of the entertainment based gatherings is developing relationships that can become support systems and opportunities through life experiences to share faith stories and partner with someone through tough times by expressing God’s love for each other.
Looking into developing a clean-up crew to work after community meals.
Working on updating the bylaws and we target November for completion.
Looking for people to serve on Council.