Building Use Policy
The facilities of Trinity Lutheran Church (TLC) are primarily for worship, meditation and spiritual healing, Christian education, service to the community, and fellowship. TLC members, ministries, and teams may arrange to use rooms, furniture, and equipment for ministry programs and events (such as meetings, bible study, VBS, receptions, coffee hours, yard sales, festivals/bazaars, etc). Such events are planned in advance through ministries and teams, and scheduled through the Activities Coordinator. Dates for events occurring that were not anticipated during the planning process should be reserved through the church office for referral to the Activities Coordinator to avoid scheduling conflicts. Specific guidelines for use of church are outlined in paragraph II(E) below.
Church facilities may also be used (at the discretion of the senior pastor) by church members and associate members for other purposes, such as weddings and receptions, funerals, showers, and socials. The facilities may also be used, for a suggested donation, by non-members (nonprofit organizations, etc.) provided an application is submitted and approved by Council.
The TLC facility may not be used for commercial (concerned with or engaged in commerce) or political purposes (does not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office) due to our tax status as a nonprofit corporation, as well as other concerns as outlined in our ELCA social statement on Commercialism in the Church. This includes “home parties” such as Pampered Chef, Longaberger Baskets, Avon, etc. Further, the church facility may not be used for any games of chance for profit.
- For more information, please click on the link below.
TLC Building Use Policy and Application